Friday, May 25, 2012

Balochistan will face new thug

Pakistan’s Military establishment has initiated new means of thug to curb the Baloch insurgencies. The ISI-backed “jihadi Mullah”, Hafiz Mohammad Saeed, leader of banned terrorist outfit “Jamaatud Dawa has been given task to start JuD’s charity, namely, Falah-e-Insaniat Foundation Pakistan (FIFP) in different area of Balochistan to counter the secessionist movement of Baloch majority. He has planned to focus on developmental and welfare projects in Balochistan as grievances of Balochistan can “only be resolved by JuD”, claimed Hafiz Abdur Rauf, the chairman of JuD’s charity, Falah-e-Insaniat Foundation Pakistan (FIFP)
The project has been launched in Mastung district of Balochistan to get sympathy of localities for their planted aims. According to media reports, they claimed that more than 350 doctors will accompany the organization in their first project which will target different rural areas of Balochistan. The number of doctors will be increased with each subsequent project. The organization has been tasked to gather maximum number of volunteers from across Pakistan for this scheme. The teams will comprise teachers, doctors, engineers and members of civil society and Hafiz Saeed said that his party will prove that the government needs JuD’s ideology to resolve the issues of Balochistan.

Here, Baloch masses have to understand his ideology, they are fanatic’s mullahs, belonging to “Salfi” (ALHEDHS) school of thought, they are exhausting to encourage “wahabism” among Muslims society  and  believes in “jihads” to take over the all Muslims lands of central and south Asia include India to amalgamate it in Pakistan to establish the “Islamanize-Militaty-Khelafit”. Now-a-days, they are outfitted for ISI and army, take on to conquer the Indian-Kashmir and destabilize the world largest democracy. The JuD’S sister organization Lashkar-e-Taiba has attacked civilian and military targets in India, most notably the 2001 Indian Parliament attack and the 2008 Mumbai attacks, due to this United States announced a bounty of $10 million on Hafiz Saeed, mastermind of Mumbai assault, But Pakistani government are making him hero and projecting him for their greater interests. They provided him shutters and based camp for his terrorist activates .Its stated objective is to introduce an Islamic state in South Asia and to liberate the Indian Muslims.

    The ISI’s pervious tactics were been failed for crashing the Baloch to surrender their holly cause of freedom and to say internationally as terrorists. So now, this new Jihadi trial mechanism may be helpful for Pakistan to skip down Baloch cause’s moralities to declare them terrorists so far the international community are not willing to impose ban on these Baloch rebels groups, therefore, Pakistan are starting a new thug to counter the scenario of Baloch movement turn into “Islaminazation” in the course of these Fanatics Mullahs. Just for create understandable for international community, this ghost mission will seek to show International community, this and that (TALABAN) are in same page. The state of thugs is just for derail the Baloch Secular society and to create the fanaticism among them. To promote the “jihadi ideology” among them
Baloch leadership should beware of these varieties of thugs otherwise Balochistan will become another Kashmir. “Mullah’ism” will boost and liberate strive may be forbidden in internationally.